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The Curry
Attendees (10): Paul, Jack, James, Gerald, John, Tufan, Daniel, JP, Kevin, Jeremy
Apologies: Matt, Richard P, Richard N, Jim, Oz, Finbar
Lord Bendtner Award: Who do you think thinks they’re the best player?
Winner: JP (4 votes)
2nd: Jeremy, Paul (3 votes)
3rd: Jack (2 votes)
4th: James, Tufan (1 vote)
Last: everyone else who has ever played for PCFC (0 votes)
Amusingly we asked the table (before the reveal) how many votes we thought we’d each receive of the 14 cast. Jeremy, Tufan, John, Gerald, Kevin and Daniel were spot on. Paul was very confident, especially since you couldn’t vote for yourself and ultimately proved that the award went to the wrong winner.
Paul – 13
JP – 5
Jeremy, Jack – 3
James – 2
Tufan – 1
Gerald, Daniel, Kevin, John – 0
2017 Annual football quotient
(maximum possible: 113%; minimum possible: 6.5%)
99.5% – Richard Piper
98.5% – Paul
81% – Richard Norman
80.8% – Kevin
74% – Daniel
70.8% – James
67.8% – Matt
66% – Tufan
58.15% – Jeremy
57.15% – Jim
55% – John
49.15% – Gerald
49.15% – Oz
46% – Jack
18% – JP
7.5% – Keith
Subs collected
£45.00 – everyone paid up in full: Thank you very much. Impressive for only four games. 
Not so impressive…Carrib FC losing 2 hairdresser goals in September and failing to replace them. Ensuing conversation discussed whether we should continue to donate subs for storage or pay for curry. Decision after much discussion – buy £45 of scratch cards and any winnings up to £50 paid to Carrib FC and anything over divided between curry attendees. Result: only £15 won and a project probably not to be repeated.  Unmatched inflation busting £1 subs to remain in place for 2018.
2018 games
Equinox and Solstice games to remain on original dates:
March 18th
June 24th
September 23rd
December 16th 
However, there was also an enthusiastic discussion to increase the number of games each year to maybe once a month or once every two months. El Capitano declined to organise these extra games based on the experience of organising anything to do with PCFC since he became captain. The protracted discussion on the subject that remained undecided at his departure at 11.30pm is tantamount to the perpetual problem of organising anything to do with PCFC. Was there a decision after I left about when the games would be and who’d organise them? Please enlighten us all….
Which was the best team?
Gerald printed off his amazing spreadsheet of squad members through the four epochs of PCFC and opened the question to the floor: Which was the best team? I suspect the discussion (at 1.30am at the time of writing) is still ongoing at whatever pub the remnants have decided to retire to.
Thank you very much for coming to the curry, to the games, for voting, congratulations to the winners, and I’m sure that I speak for everyone when I say that I look forward to another year of PCFC.
Thank you very much and goodnight.