Every team goes through various incarnations of itself – morphing, like Locke’s Ship, into another form. Marking this gradual evolution is arbitrary, but I’ve identified Four Epochs, or incarnations of the PCFC. The first finishes at the end of Jeremy’s captaincy (which had overseen the transition from Ruskin Park to Peckham Rye, the purchasing of goal posts, the first adoption of squad members who weren’t previously known to us – Oz & Ahmet).
The second finishes at the end of the Richard P./Oz captaincies and the arrival of El Capitano Dan (who had previously done a fantastic job of pulling the squads together by email).
The third Incarnation of the squad coincides with the departure of the heart of previous incarnations – Paul, Jeremy, Richard P. & JP.
We are in transition… entering the fourth incarnation – the Age of Aquarius – with new South American, Portuguese and Romanian players bringing skills into the team that can only add a level of sophistication to our Direct Football approach. Exciting times. (Gerald Jones, July 2012)