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Red: Daniel, Jeremy, Gerald, John
Yellow: James, Tufan, Adam

On an actual equinox! Upon which team would the sun shine longest? Upon which team would darkness fall first?

4 v 3. One pass rule instigated for both teams. Then disputed within five minutes. Decided only applicable for the team of four, otherwise there’s no advantage for the smaller team.

The rule:

Once the opposing team has intercepted, deflected or touched the ball in any way, your team on regaining possession, then have to make at least one pass to a teammate before you can score.

On shooting:

If the goalkeeper parries the ball but it still goes in, the goal will stand.

If the goalkeeper saves the shot and anyone from the attacking team immediately regains possession from the rebound without it reaching a defender, they can shoot again.

Got it? Good.

What do we conclude from this perpetually confusion rule? We need more numbers! I’m not coming all the way from Hampshire again for such a paltry turnout.

Anyway, 7-5 to the smaller team at half time.

Adam was knackered from playing the day before and swapped with Daniel. The four turned around the deficeit to get up to 8 – 7. The yellow threesome upped their game to turnaround the score in their favour to 10-8. But with 10 minutes still to play everyone tired, Yellow more than red, and the foursome came out victors.

Final score: Red 15 – 12 Yellow